Sunday 6 December 2009

Conventions of double page spread

image 1image 2image 3

Here are 3 images of different types of double page spread. That includes all the conventions of a double page spread, such as; heading, text (descriptions), images and page number.

Image 1 isn't a a double page spread from a music magazine. Majority of the images is on the top half of the page and the majority of the text is on the bottom half. The language used in this image is heading, images and text. The image contains 1 main heading, 1 sub heading, 5 images, article text. Normally there page numbers in the bottom corner of each corner. However i can't see any on this double page spread. The colours that is used in this double page spread is 3 different colours font is used for this contents page, these are; black, white and yellow/cream. The coloured background that is used is black and white. The institution for this double page spread is unknown however it is obvious that it's not from a music magazine. Probably from a environment magazine. The ideology for this magazine is the environment for the local area/society, an example of media that shows this is "in our urban environment". The audience for this magazine would be people who lives in the local area/people who are interested in the environment. The target audience are people who are the age from 25+ i would say. The representation for this magazine is local news, updates about the local area and environment.

Image 2 is a double page spread from a music magazine called "Kerrang" approximately 3/4 of the splash is images. The text is on the left side of the page and images on the right. With text on the images to show what they image connotes. The language in this is images and text. The page contains 7 images with one main one. That's is placed in the top centre of the page, with 3 image placed on top at the bottom of the image. There are page number at each bottom corner of the page, majority magazine have page numbers. There are 3 different types of colours that had been used for the front. These are black, white and red. The colour background that is used is black and white. Black for the white front so that it would show up as they contrast each other. The institution for this double page spread is Kerrang and the ideology for this magazine is rock, punk, goth, metal, thrash, classic indie and unsigned bands types music whereas considered important. An examples of media text that shows this is that main image place in the centre of the page, along with images around the main images, as the images consists 3 images of artist on guitar, 1 of fans and other with 2 artist and the shot was taken from a medium close up perspective. These images give off a rock type of genre. The target audience for this magazine is anyone who enjoy the types of genre that in the content of the magazine. The estimated average age of audience would be 23. The price of this magazine cost £2.99 this is affordable for teens as well as adults, as they can afford £2.99 weekly. The representaion for "Kerrang" is indie to rock and screamo. There would be a bit of every genre inside the magazine to attract different but similar audiences with similar taste in music.

Image 3 is a double page spread from a music magazine called "NME" 2/6 of the double page spread is the mashead 3/6 is the image (of Lily Allen) and 1/6 of the page is the text, however the text may run onto the next page or couple of pages in the magazine. The language in this page is images and text, the page contains 1 image, 1 main title and 3 area of text. There are page number at each bottom corner of the page, majority magazine have page numbers. There are 3 different types of colours of text in this image, these are black, white and red. The colour background that is used is black and white. Black for the white front so that it would show up as they contrast each other. The red font used as it balance from the image of Lily Allen's shirt, also the red font stands out and attracts the audiences' eyes. The institution for this double page spread is "NME" and the ideology for this magazine is punk rock however it is now indie, that is seen as important. An example of media language that connotes this is the masthead and image of the artist. Lily Allen is a artist that sings: pop, pop rock, ska, electropop, grime and alternative. The target audience for this magazine is anyone who enjoy the types of genre that in the content of the magazine. The estimated age range for this magazine is 16-28. The price of this magazine cost currently is £2.20 this is affordable for teens as well as adults, as they can afford £2.99 weekly.The representation for this magazine is from indie to rock and screamo. There would be a bit of every genre inside the magazine to attract different but similar audiences with similar taste in music.

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